FAQs About Midwest Barber College
Locally Owned Institution
Midwest Barber College is conveniently, centrally located at:
901 SW 37th Street
Topeka, KS
To get your diploma or certificate, you must complete the 1,200 hours of our barber program, successfully pass the written and practical examinations and complete the required number of practical procedures.
To get your license, you must pass an examination by the Kansas State Board of Barbering. Graduates of Midwest Barber College have a very high passing rate. Throughout the course, we help prepare you for the exam. We also give a "mock board" exam so you will know exactly what to expect.
Our classes are diversified, so you won't be stuck in a classroom all day. We have lectures but also hands-on demonstrations, guest speakers, videos and practical applications.
Midwest Barber College has an open policy and programs are offered continuously. Classes start on the first Tuesday of every month. Please consult with the admissions office regarding the specific start dates.
After your first 30 days of classroom training, you will be working on both patrons and mannequins. Depending on your skill level, you might be on the floor sooner that that.
Yes, students must be at least 16 years old to begin training.
A high school diploma or G.E.D. is required before enrolling.
Our college offers placement assistance. While we cannot guarantee you a job, we will help you find your first position and assist you in reaching your career goals.
Midwest Barber College is conveniently, centrally located at:
901 SW 37th Street
Topeka, KS